Quality Evaluation of Ticketing Management System Using ISO/IEC25010:2023 Standards and AHP Method


  • Puji Ariningsih Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta
  • Alva Hendi Muhammad Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta




Software Evaluation, Quality Assurance, Ticket Management System, ISO/IEC 25010, Analytic Hierarchy Process


Purpose: Information Technology plays a crucial role in supporting education service systems. When system-related issues arise, a Ticket Management System (TMS) becomes essential to address various software and hardware problems. Evaluating the performance and quality of TMS applications is necessary to ensure their effectiveness. This study assesses the quality of a TMS application developed by University of Amikom Yogyakarta, using ISO/IEC 25010:2023.

Methods/Study design/approach: The Analytic Hierarchy Process method is employed to prioritize three key ISO/IEC 25010 characteristics by engaging TMS application users. Following the ranking, the study conducts quality measurements using questionnaires and black box testing. The questionnaire results are assessed using a Likert scale to determine scores for the TMS application based on the sub-characteristics of the three selected ISO/IEC 25010:2023 characteristics and the AHP-derived rankings.

Result/Findings: The findings indicate that the TMS application achieved a quality score of 4.354. This shows that the TMS application is in the good category.

Novelty/Originality/Value: The study highlights the need for performance efficiency improvements, specifically in the Time Behavior sub-characteristic, to enhance the overall quality of the TMS application.


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