Bagaimana Komunitas PSK Melindungi Dirinya : Sebuah Etnografi Prostitusi Di Bandungan

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Firhandika Ade Santury
Hendra Try Ardianto
Nunik Retno Herawati
Kushandajani Kushandajani


This article aims to look at the ambivalence of state governmentality in governing prostitution, as well as to see how the prostitution community is self-ruled to protect itself. This article was carried out through ethnographic work, which lasted for approximately one year, by observing, documenting, and interviewing various parties, from prostitute business networks to state officials. The findings of this article show that state governmentality is ineffective and create new problems that complicate the lives of prostitutes. On the other hand, because the state cannot be expected to protect the interests and needs of prostitutes, the prostitute community develops its way to rule and manage itself. The conclusion is that the state from the start only wanted to keep the public transcripts, not really want to appease or empower prostitutes. On the contrary, sex workers develop hidden transcripts to reject the state governmentality and create self-ruled to protect themselves.


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How to Cite
Santury, F. A., Ardianto, H. T., Herawati, N. R., & Kushandajani, K. (2022). Bagaimana Komunitas PSK Melindungi Dirinya : Sebuah Etnografi Prostitusi Di Bandungan. Journal of Social Politics and Governance (JSPG), 4(1), 1-13.


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