Software-Defined Networking, Naïve Bayes Algorithm, Flow Control, DDoSAbstract
DDoS attacks are a form of attack carried out by sending packets continuously to machines and even computer networks. This attack will result in a machine or network resources that cannot be accessed or used by users. DDoS attacks usually originate from several machines operated by users or by bots, whereas Dos attacks are carried out by one person or one system. In this study, the term to be used is the term DDoS to represent a DoS or DDoS attack. In the network world, Software Defined Network (SDN) is a promising paradigm. SDN separates the control plane from forwarding plane to improve network programmability and network management. As part of the network, SDN is not spared from DDoS attacks. In this study, we use the naïve Bayes algorithm as a method to detect DDoS attacks on the Software Defined Network network architecture
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