Nation State: Journal of International Studies is a peer-review journal under the management of the International Relations Department, Faculty of Economics and Social Science, University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta, in collaboration with Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia (AIHII). The journal publishes primarily original research articles, perspectives, and short-form essays published through a double-blind review procedure. Nation State: Journal of International Studies publish two issues per year (June & December). (Read More)
Current Issue
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): December
Philippine-Middle East Relations
Prospects and Challenges amidst ASEAN and China Engagement
86 - 106
visibility | Abstract views: 212 | Downloading | PDF download: 115 |
The Complexity of ASEAN Way and Norms in Addressing Islam-Rooted Conflicts in Southeast Asia
107 - 122
visibility | Abstract views: 124 | Downloading | PDF download: 91 |
Research Article
visibility | Abstract views: 150 | Downloading | PDF download: 39 |
visibility | Abstract views: 162 | Downloading | PDF download: 78 |
visibility | Abstract views: 156 | Downloading | PDF download: 100 |
visibility | Abstract views: 119 | Downloading | PDF download: 61 |